Saturday, August 13, 2011

Daycare prep.

No matter how much I would like to avoid it, the truth of the matter is, it's about time for Leone to head back to daycare.  I know he'll like to be around his friends again, but I worry.

About his food stuff.

His struggle to share stuff.

His need to throw approximately 9,254 rocks into the river every morning stuff.

His sleeping in and then taking his time to eat an egg and toast for breakfast stuff.

And what about the way we cuddle up every day at nap, read three books, sing our song, then part ways with love and well wishes for delightful rest stuff?

And the amount of time we have to play with blocks, the backyard hose, his cars, markers, play-doh, crayons- each other- stuff?

This summer has been delightful, and boy-oh-boy will I miss our days.  I've managed to work into a pretty sweet schedule of working on my papers when he naps, so evenings don't feel nearly as intense as they used to.  And even though Leone prefers his papa as soon as he comes home from work, I get all the time before... and that feels dang good.


Hey, check him out....

This was taken after we bought his new backpack.  He could hardly wait to wear the dang thing.

Oh my boy.  I love you.  Dirty pants and all.